Day: April 7, 2022

Popcorn Making

We love making popcorn!

First we lined up in front of the class and Ms Lammas was the leader and we walked to the hall then we also listened to Miss Lammas. Then Ms Lammas told us to sit down on the kitchen floor in the hall and wait patiently for Mrs Kumar. Then Miss Kumar told us about a recount. I already know what a recount it means in your writing. You write things that we did in order.

Then we watched how Miss Kumar opened the box of popcorn and she also unwrapped the other layer of plastic that was on the popcorn.Then she turned it the other way and showed us about the word that was behind it said HEAT THIS SIDE UP. Then Miss Kumar told Miss Lammas to choose a Sensible person to help Miss Kumar to face the popcorn the other way and put it on the microwave and push the minute button twice and also the start button 

Next we waited patiently for the popcorn to finish and one by one Ms Lammas kept choosing people to help Miss Kumar make the popcorn so it could work out faster. The first person was Raiden then it was Devinah then Jaiksyn and Kalisi and last of all Beautiful because the bell was going to ring for school lunch we were able to make five bags of popcorn and when it was finished we line up sensibly behind Miss lammas and walk back to class with the popcorn we made in the hall  next we sat on our desks.  Ms Kumar and Ms  Lammas handed out the paper towels. Then Miss grabbed the popcorn out in the dark blue container and opened it. It sounded loud but not that loud in the microwave  it was popping slow in the microwave and 

Finally  Miss Kumar played a movie called the miser and it was gold and we ate our popcorn as we were watching the movie. We loved the popcorn because it smelled like salt and butter. We love making popcorn because it was super fun and we also loved the taste of the popcorn. I wanted more but it was for the teachers and the other people that had a little popcorn or some people that didn’t have the yummy salty buttery popcorn. It was delicious and also yummy.  We loved the way it popped in the microwave. 

Conclusion we finally finished our popcorn and washed our hands and also started to write about how we made popcorn and how it was super fun. We love making popcorn.


Malo lelei my name is Fatima and i am 8 years old of age also my birthday is on july the 4th .I have 10 members in my family first is Ilalio,Maselino, Joshua, Lini, Fatima, Fancisca, Anamalia and last all Alekisio then my mum called Haitelenisia and my dad name Alekisio I live in Glen Innes and the school I go to is called Glen Innes School and my old school is called Glenbrae School my old teachers name is called Miss Forsyth and my new teachers name is called Ms Kumar my favourite subject is writing and PE my favourite colour is blue black and white my favourite food is mac and cheese and butter chicken pie and kebab with chips my favourite candy is slime licker, pushpop, kitkat, and last of all crunchie my favourite shoe brand is nike and puma i am in room 8 and my teachers aide is name is called Ms Lammas and i also have loving caring friends they are Primrose, Divine, Raiden, Liku, and santana my weight is 38 kgs and my height is 141 cm I LOVE MYSELF.